Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?

Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?

Do you have big dreams but feel like something’s blocking you?

Are you waiting for motivation to overtake you so you can make your dreams come true, but it’s not coming?

Do you do things that are the opposite of what you want? 

So many of us are waiting for our dreams to happen, but it seems like every time we turn around, the other shoe is dropping. How do we stop the sabotage and make our dreams a reality?

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of the other shoe-dropping.

  • If you’re ready, to be honest, when you’re the one causing the other shoe to drop.

  • If you desire to close the gap between your dreams and reality, whether you feel motivated at that moment or not.

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Podcast Episode 200 - Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life - Tip Five - Dream Again

Podcast Episode 200 - Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life - Tip Five - Dream Again

Do you have big dreams, or are you like I was and struggle to dream big?

What’s holding you back?

Or maybe you used to dream but gave up when you grew up and your dreams and reality didn’t match?

Tip 5 to live your divine life. It’s time for tip 5 – dreaming, dreaming big and dreaming again.

Today’s is for you if…

  • If you need to learn to dream.

  • If you’re ready to dream again.

  • If it’s time for you to go to the next level of your dreaming and dream big.

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Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2

Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2

Are you trying to live a life of purpose, but fear stops you?

What did you do when you backed off from doing that scary thing you knew you needed to do? Do you keep moving forward, do something easier or hide in a corner? 

How do you feel about yourself? Ashamed or like a loser? 

What do you say to yourself? Call yourself names or encourage yourself?

In the last episode, I talked about what’s really stopping you. You discovered your root fear. Because what's stopping us from being all we can be goes so much deeper than the surface issues.

Today is for you if…

  • If you're so over tearing yourself down when fear stops you.

  • If you desperately want to live a life of significance but fear you're not enough.

  • If you're ready to let go of the shame, pain and bad advice, you've been giving yourself for years.

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