Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?


Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?


Do you have big dreams but feel like something’s blocking you?

Are you waiting for motivation to overtake you so you can make your dreams come true, but it’s not coming?

Do you do things that are the opposite of what you want? 

So many of us are waiting for our dreams to happen, but it seems like every time we turn around, the other shoe is dropping. How do we stop the sabotage and make our dreams a reality?

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of the other shoe-dropping.

  • If you’re ready, to be honest, when you’re the one causing the other shoe to drop.

  • If you desire to close the gap between your dreams and reality, whether you feel motivated at that moment or not.

I just finished the second round of my pilot program, How to Create Your Signature System. It’s been something I’ve been working on for a couple of years now. But it almost wasn’t. 

There are so many days I find myself avoiding doing the steps to make it happen. Everything else seemed more urgent. There were days when I didn’t feel like writing, making calls, sending emails. I would do almost anything else to avoid it. Games, check my email or take a nap. There were days I just wasn’t feeling it.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn.

Motivation is great, but what happens when it doesn’t show up when you’re working on your dreams?

So many of us wait for the muse to hit us before we create. Or we’re waiting for the motivation to feel like doing that thing that will help us move toward our dreams. 

If you’re waiting for motivation to push you toward your dreams, you’ll be disappointed almost every time.

If you want to fulfill your dreams, your God-given purpose, you’ve got to do what moves your dreams forward, whether you feel like it or not. 

Go from self-forgetting to taking the right action.

Why…because I need to remind myself of this. 

So many days, I’d rather play a game or take a nap. And you know what? I have wasted tons of time doing just that. 

These aren’t bad things in themselves, but is playing a game or taking a nap helping me make my dreams happen? Nope.

When I’m doing other things instead of working on my dreams, I’m sabotaging my dreams.

God isn’t just going to drop our dreams in our laps. We have a part to play. 

Where are you sabotaging your dreams?

  • Limiting mindset?

  • Mindless games?

  • Doing for everyone else but yourself?

  • Waiting to feel like doing it?

  • Over-full calendar?

How do we stop the sabotage? Discipline.

Discipline is the key to stopping the self-sabotage.

I have a quote on my computer: “Discipline is the presence of mind to see what’s in front of me and then choose what I want instead of what I feel like at the moment.

Remember Your Why

  • Why does your dream matter to you?

  • What will happen if you don’t fulfill it?

  • How will you feel? Who will miss out?

  • How will you feel when you do what you don’t want to do?

Use Tools to Keep Moving Forward

Give Yourself Carrots

Dangle something in front of you that you want in order to do the thing that will move you forward toward your dreams.

“I can do this once I do that.”

I just did this. I wanted to buy my new planner but told myself, “Send out the invoice you’ve been postponing for days, and then you can order your new planner.

Give Yourself Grace When You Fall

Give yourself the compassion you would give someone else when they blow it because Father does.

Your mistakes don’t define you.

When you make a mistake, tell yourself, “It’s okay. Just keep moving forward.”

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!


10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea by Suzy Welch: https://amzn.to/43OXj92

The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins: https://amzn.to/44g2kaT

What’s Blocking You? Podcast episode 235 by Heather L Bunch (10-10-10 Podcast) https://heatherbunch.com/blog/235

What’s Really Stopping You part 3 podcast 186 by Heather L Bunch (5-Second Run): https://heatherbunch.com/blog/2023/3/3/podcast-episode-185-whats-really-stopping-you-pt-3

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