Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?

Podcast Episode 236 - What’s Sabotaging Your Progress?

Do you have big dreams but feel like something’s blocking you?

Are you waiting for motivation to overtake you so you can make your dreams come true, but it’s not coming?

Do you do things that are the opposite of what you want? 

So many of us are waiting for our dreams to happen, but it seems like every time we turn around, the other shoe is dropping. How do we stop the sabotage and make our dreams a reality?

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of the other shoe-dropping.

  • If you’re ready, to be honest, when you’re the one causing the other shoe to drop.

  • If you desire to close the gap between your dreams and reality, whether you feel motivated at that moment or not.

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