Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2


Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2


Are you trying to live a life of purpose, but fear stops you?

What did you do when you backed off from doing that scary thing you knew you needed to do? Do you keep moving forward, do something easier or hide in a corner? 

How do you feel about yourself? Ashamed or like a loser? 

What do you say to yourself? Call yourself names or encourage yourself?

In the last episode, I talked about what’s really stopping you. You discovered your root fear. Because what's stopping us from being all we can be goes so much deeper than the surface issues.

Today is for you if…

  • If you're so over tearing yourself down when fear stops you.

  • If you desperately want to live a life of significance but fear you're not enough.

  • If you're ready to let go of the shame, pain and bad advice, you've been giving yourself for years.

You used the Levels of Why tool in the last episode to discover your root fear. How did that go?

My Example of Levels of Why:

I'm writing a book right now. It's a DSD. It's something new I'm doing. 

But it scares me!! So I broke down for you about what really scares me. It's not writing a book that scares me, but it's does my voice matter enough to share my story with the world. It scares me that it might cause disconnection because people may disagree with or not like my writing. That's the root fear.

Your root fear is at the helm of what stops you from moving forward.

It keeps you hiding and not showing up fully yourself.

It keeps you from your dreams. 

So, if you didn't get a chance to hear that episode, you can go to episode 184.

You're going to pick something you're afraid of. Then ask, "Why am I afraid of that?" Now, keep asking Why until you get a gut or emotional reaction. 

That tells you when you hit the root.

Once you find your root fear, now what?

Question Your Fear!

Questioning Your Fear is a tool to see if this fear is helping or hurting you. 

It gives you perspective so you can make a conscious decision about what you'll do with this fear.

Ask these three questions:

Is my fear true?

Well, it's what I feel like, but is it true if I don't do an excellent job on my book that, people will be upset with me?

It could be, or they could just move on.

But what's not true is the feeling, "I don't have something worth sharing." I have a gift worth giving, and I need to give it.

Is what you fear really true? Is that what God says?

Is my fear helpful?

No, this fear causes me to go blank or avoid writing altogether.

Is your root fear helping you live your life of significance or is it stopping you in our tracks?

Is my fear kind?

No, it's not kind to me. It's harmful. 

If I stay on this track, it will cause me to withdraw. And then people will miss out on the message God put in my heart to share.

And I'll be miserable because I missed out on sharing my book.

How about you?


Take your root fear and question it. Is it true, helpful and kind? Write down your answers.

Tomorrow, I'll give you tools to generate the courage to overcome that root fear.

If you need help overcoming that fear that gets in the way of what you want in life, we're here for you.

Join me and my podcast friends, Becky Michel and Kat Schudel, for the Your Fearless Journey virtual workshop Saturday, March 11, 2023, from 9 am - 12 pm CT.

You'll walk away with more tools like this that will get you unstuck and overcome the fear holding you back so you can live your life courageously and wildly inspired!

Registration is only $47.

You're meant for more. Don't let fear stand in your way from living your life on purpose with courage.

So if you're ready to conquer your fears with confidence and courage, go to yfjpodcast.com to register.

Thanks a bunch for listening!

You got this, and Father's got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!