Podcast Episode 286 - Unwrapping Christmas - The Gift of a New Year


Podcast Episode 286 - Unwrapping Christmas - The Gift of a New Year



In today's episode, host Heather Bunch helps listeners reflect on the year they've had and envision what they want their upcoming year to look like. Heather offers an in-depth question set that will allow listeners to contemplate and dissect their 2023 experiences while steering their thoughts toward a prosperous 2024. 

Key Points:

Reflect on how 2023 has been for you; think about the good and the bad.

Utilize the process of asking ourselves 'great questions' to get 'great answers'.

Here's a list of thought-provoking questions to facilitate reflecting on the past year and planning for the next:

  1. What message does Father God have for you in 2024?

  2. Where are you settling in life?

  3. How can you add more of your true self into your life and your business?

  4. What skills or talents are you not using?

  5. Who can you forgive?

  6. What opportunities can you let go of?

  7. What have you been avoiding out of fear?

  8. What risks can you take even in the face of fear?

  9. What does your business or life want that you are not currently giving it?

  10. What are you committing to change?

  11. What went right in 2023?

  12. Picture 2024; what does it look like to you?


  • Gateway to Dreams (http://www.gatewaytodreams.org) - if you’re looking for a women’s networking group in the St. Louis, MO area.

  • Mastermind with me and other entrepreneurs like you:

    • Email Heather at Hello@HeatherBunch.com if you're interested in joining her in-person monthly Mastermind group located in Chesterfield, St. Louis. It’s the fourth Tuesday of every month starting in January 2024 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.