Podcast Episode 251 - Enjoy More Life With the Adventure Mindset 


Podcast Episode 251 - Enjoy More Life With the Adventure Mindset 


Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone?

Are there big things you want to do someday, but someday never seems to come?

Do you feel stuck in a life of mediocrity or same-ole-same-ole?

It’s time to wrap up this mindset reset series and create the life of our dreams with mindset #5, the Adventure Mindset. 

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of saying someday I’ll do X, but someday hasn’t come yet.

  • If you desire a life that feels full, rich and meaningful.

  • If you’re ready to step out of your comfy comfort zone but need some help.

We’ve covered four mindsets that will change your life if you adopt them.

  1. The Victor Mindset - I’m not a victim of my thoughts; I control my feelings and choices.

  2. The Growth Mindset - I don’t know how to do that…yet.

  3. The Abundance Mindset - There’s more where that came from.

  4. The Opportunity Mindset - What does this obstacle make possible?

It’s time for our final mindset…this mindset will help you put all the other mindsets together and enjoy your life on the way to where you’re going – with The Adventure Mindset.

Life was meant to be an adventure, but most of us feel stuck in the doldrums. Why? Many of us have adopted the Comfort Mindset.

The Comfort Mindset prioritizes comfort and familiarity overgrowth, challenge, and stepping outside their comfort zones. 

The Comfort Mindset prefers:

  • Maintaining the status quo

  • Avoids risks

  • Seeks stability and comfort

  • Resist change

  • Prefer routine and predictability

  • My fear of the unknown 

  • Or avoid the discomfort that comes from stepping outside of their comfort zones. 

When you adopt the Comfort Mindset, you prioritize short-term comfort and immediate gratification over long-term growth or potential rewards…aka your dreams!

Seeking comfort can be natural and provide a sense of security. I get it. Our comfort zone is soooo dang comfy!

Staying stuck in a Comfort Mindset will keep you from a life of adventure. Your dreams will always be just out of reach.

Dreams don’t come to the comfortable.

They come to those willing to step out of their comfort zone into the adventure zone.

 Adventure is out there!

But only to those who venture into the unknown, take risks, and embrace discomfort to learn, adapt, and reach new heights.

Trying something new will cultivate your current abilities, and you may discover something new you love.

Proverbs 18:15 NIV

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.

I remember the first time I spoke in public. I was volunteering in the young adult ministry (back when I was a young adult). The leader asked if I could talk at the next two meetings while he was on vacation. I said yes to help out, but I was terrified! Because remember, “I’m inclined to acquiesce to your request” was my go-to method to avoid conflict.

I had never “preached” a message before this point. My brother is an incredible communicator, so I had never even thought about attempting to speak before this. I recall only minutes into my talk thinking, “Oh my gosh, I love this!” 

I never would’ve discovered I love to speak if I hadn’t said ‘yes’ to this new opportunity. #rabbittrailshappen…little did I know, that very day I spoke, my would-be husband was sitting in the audience. We were married three years to the very day of that speaking event. God’s so cool like that!

Consistently challenge yourself to learn or try something new. 

  • Travel to new places - different cities, countries or even local places for visitors you never got around to. My bucket list is going to every Disney Park in the world, starting with Disneyland Paris.

  • Try a new hobby or activity - a musical instrument, painting, rock climbing, dancing or whatever sparks you. I want to learn swing, Latin and ballroom dancing.

  • Challenge yourself physically - yoga, a new sport, obstacle course race, hiking, camping, or glamping. 

  • Learn a new skill or language - Photography, cooking, coding. Do something that intrigues you. I’m learning French, so I’ll be ready one day when I go to Disneyland Paris! I also want to take improv classes.

  • Engage in social adventures - networking events, workshops, meetups or others that align with your interests.

  • Volunteer for a cause - have an adventure and create a positive impact at the same time!

  • Read Books or watch documentaries - explore different topics that interest you, cultures, events, history, personal stories, etc.

You might just find something new you love, and you’ll cultivate your Adventure Mindset at the same time.

Stretch Your Abilities

To grow, we must continually stretch our abilities. To do this, we must be intentional. 

Stretching can be scary because stretching involves getting out of our comfort zone. Yet, when we stretch, we’ll expand our comfort zone. Then what used to be a scary stretch now becomes more comfortable. 

Stretching might include:

  • Continuing education.

  • Hiring a coach.

  • Going live on social media.

  • Attending a new networking event.

Growth is nothing more than trying no matter what we feel like or even whether we succeed the first time (or second or third time). 

Proverbs 24:16a NLT

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.

Life is like a theme park. You pick the rides.

Do you want to stay on the merry-go-round where it’s safe, or do you go for the adventurous thrill ride and live fearlessly free?

Here’s an exercise you can do to develop an Adventure Mindset by stretching your abilities and expanding your comfort zone.

It’ll help you get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Step Into Your Adventure Zone Exercise:

  1. Comfort Zone - cushy, comfy and doesn’t scare you a bit.

  2. Adventure Zone - oh, this adventure is a stretch but doable. You might think, “I’m not sure about this,” then you do it; “Oh, wait, it’s fun!”

  3. Hazard Zone - Um, I’m pretty sure I can’t do that! 

  4. Danger Zone - I know I’m supposed to do that to make this dream come true, but heck no! That’s worse than running into a minefield barefoot.

  • Pick one area of your life or business you want to grow in, such as your health, relationships, writing, growing a client list, social media presence, or even starting a business. 

  • List everything you can do to move ahead in that area that’s in your Comfort Zone.

  • Make a second list of things called Adventure Zone. 

    • These are actions that begin to take you out of your comfort zone. They are a stretch and a bit uncomfortable, yet they still feel doable–you’re just not currently doing them. But if you do them, it could start leading you to an adventure, fulfilling your dreams.

  • Create a third list called Hazard Zone. 

    • These are things WAY outside your comfort zone. They feel risky and hazardous, and maybe your heart skips a beat thinking about doing it.

  • Make a fourth list called Danger Zone. 

    • Danger Will Robinson, Danger! You feel like you’re in danger if you had to do those things right now. 

  • Now, pick one thing to take action on from your Adventure Zone. You don’t have to feel comfortable–you just need to do it

  • Then pick another from your Adventure Zone and another and another.

  • Every time you stretch into your adventure zone, you begin to think differently about yourself and what you’re capable of–that’s growing your Adventure Mindset.

    • Life will feel like an adventure instead of a monotonous same-ole-same-ole or being stuck.

  • As you progressively work through your Adventure Zone list, your Adventure Zone will become your Comfort Zone because you’ve gotten more comfortable being uncomfortable.

  • Now your Hazard Zone becomes your new Adventure Zone

  • Next, start working on your Hazard Zone (your new Adventure Zone); over time, it’ll grow into your Comfort Zone too.

  • Continue in this manner until you get to your Danger Zone, which by this time will now only be in your Adventure Zone. Wow… you’ve really got this, my friend!!

Embrace the unknown and believe in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Remember, cultivating an adventure mindset is about embracing novelty, seeking personal growth, and being open to new experiences.

By stepping out of your comfort zone and actively pursuing new adventures, you can expand your horizons, build resilience, and create a more fulfilling and adventurous life.

If you enjoy this series, get ready because my new book, Hello Courageous, will start pre-sales in mid-September! I’ll get you more info as it gets closer. If you want to join my launch team and get early access to the book, email me at hello@heatherbunch.com.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!