Podcast Episode 250 - Open Up Life’s Possibilities with the Opportunity Mindset 


Podcast Episode 250 - Open Up Life’s Possibilities with the Opportunity Mindset 


We all face obstacles that try and keep us from our dreams. How do you handle them?

Do you hit them head-on? 

Do you hide? 

Do you go into fight, flight or freeze mode? 

Do you get angry or feel sorry for yourself?

It’s time for Mindset #4  - This mindset will allow you to take whatever comes your way to turn it around for your good. It will open up possibilities you never thought possible.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of hitting obstacle after obstacle while pursuing your dreams.

  • If you desire doors to open and bring you success.

  • If you’re ready to discover the secret gifts that life is offering you.

Have you ever seen Zootopia?

It’s about a bunny named Judy Hopps, with a dream of becoming the first bunny police officer. No one has ever been a bunny cop, and she was determined to overcome that obstacle. 

Judy saw obstacles as opportunities to help her achieve her dreams. The obstacle became the way.

The question isn’t, “Will we face obstacles?” But, “How will we handle these obstacles?”

So far in this series, we’ve covered three mindsets that will literally change your life.

  1. The Victor Mindset - I’m not a victim of my thoughts so I’m in control of my feelings and choices.

  2. The Growth Mindset - I don’t know how to do that…yet.

  3. The Abundance Mindset - There’s more where that came from.

Today is the mindset that will take the obstacle in your way and turn it into the way.

You can either have an Obstacle Mindset where everything that tries to stop you is a blockade to your dreams. 

Or you can adopt an Opportunity Mindset where no matter what comes your way, it’s turning out for you good.

Romans 8:28 ESV

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

It’s the mindset that takes what comes its way and flips on its head. 

An Opportunity Mindset asks the question, “What can this obstacle make possible?”

It turns obstacles into opportunities and uses them to make you stronger, more resilient, more creative and more powerful.

Andy Andrews, says, "We're either in a crisis, heading for a crisis or coming out of a crisis."

The story in my mind becomes the story in my life. 

If I see struggles as obstacles to my dreams, that’s what they are – obstacles that keep me from my dreams.

If I develop an opportunity mindset, it changes how I approach any issue that comes my way.

The obstacle becomes the way…this is the way.

Choose to view obstacles as opportunities

Are we going to see these issues as obstacles, or are you going to see these hardships as opportunities?

Just like with Judy Hopps, the military uses obstacle courses in their basic training.


  • Obstacle courses give the trainees a variety of situations they need to figure out how to overcome.

  • Opportunities to push themselves past what they thought was possible.

  • Conditions them physically as well as mentally and emotionally. 

The obstacles literally make them into the soldiers they need to be so they can tackle greater obstacles.


Your obstacles can become a gift if you choose to see them as opportunities for your advantage.

“What if life was not happening to you, it was happening for you?” – Tony Robbins

What does this obstacle make possible?

Obstacles are opportunities to learn, grow, get better, push yourself, etc.

They can be a gift that you while you’re in it; it’s hard to see.

Ask Holy Spirit for Wisdom

Ask Holy Spirit for wisdom to navigate this new opportunity. 

  • What steps to take

  • Who to connect with

  • What not to do

Give Father Your Worries

When the obstacles seem too hard, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and worried.

1 Peter 5:7 NASB 

Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

The word anxiety in this Scripture means to divide and fracture a person's being into parts. 

Have you ever been so stressed out you felt like you were going to pieces? Yep, you are–literally going to pieces from the inside out. No wonder anxiety is so painful, and we weren't designed to bear it.

Casting means to throw or place upon. So we're to throw or place our anxiety on our Heavenly Father. Father is the only one that can bear that kind of burden, so let Him carry it for you.

One way that helps me give Father my worries is envisioning myself handing over my care to him. Then I picture crawling up in my Heavenly Daddy's lap and letting Him hold me. Try it.

Give your worries about this obstacle to Father.

When you develop your opportunities mindset, then you’ll interpret obstacles as opportunities. 

  • You’ll respond in faith instead of fear. 

  • You’ll pull on God’s wisdom. 

  • You’ll build endurance beyond what you think you’re capable of. 

  • You’ll enjoy your journey more on the way to where you’re going.

  • Doors will open that you didn’t see where there at first.


  1. What’s one obstacle that you’re facing right now? Can be a personal or professional obstacle.

  2. Take it to Father and ask Holy Spirit for wisdom.

  3. Now ask yourself, “what does this obstacle make possible?”

    • List out as many opportunities that could come from that obstacle as possible.

    • This will challenge your mindset and open yourself up new possibilities.

Now, when the obstacles hit, you can say yes to new opportunities and, “I got this–and Father’s got me!”

If you’re enjoying this series, get ready because my new book, Hello Courageous, will start pre-sales in mid-September! I’ll get you more info as it gets closer. If you’re interested in being a part of my launch team and getting early access to the book, email me at hello@heatherbunch.com.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!