Podcast Episode 249 - Expand Your Life With the Abundance Mindset 


Podcast Episode 249 - Expand Your Life With the Abundance Mindset 


Do you ever feel like your life is small?

Have you ever thought, “I can’t ever seem to catch a break”?

Do you wish there was something you could do about that?

Continuing our series on Mindset Reset…Creating mindsets that will change your life and help you fulfill your dreams. Today’s mindset will expand your mind, your heart and your life.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of thinking like everything you’ve got is a struggle to get.

  • If you feel like everyone else has the lucky breaks and want some too.

  • If you’re ready to shed the mindset holding you back from your dreams.

We’ve covered two mindsets that will literally change your life.

  1. The Victor Mindset - I’m not a victim of my thoughts, so I control my feelings and choices.

  2. The Growth Mindset - I don’t know how to do that…yet.

Today, this mindset will help you expand your world.

When you think of a scarcity mindset, what comes to mind? 

It wasn’t until I was in my forties that I realized I had a scarcity mindset. 

  • I can remember every time someone got promoted at work; I felt shafted. 

  • I wanted to be promoted to a ministry position but was stuck in admin hell.

  • I thought being passed over meant I would never get to fulfill what I wanted to do…ministry work.

It’s as if there wasn’t enough ministry work to go around.

This scarcity mindset kept me stuck where I was and miserable on top of that. It also prevented me from fully celebrating those promoted because I focused on myself and what I missed out on.

What is a Scarcity Mindset:

A scarcity mindset belief in…

Limited or fixed amount of resources, opportunities or possibilities. 

A scarcity mindset views the world through a lens of lack. It constantly worries about not having enough. 

The Scarcity Mindset says…

  • There’s not enough to go around.

  • I’ll never have as much as others.

  • I can never catch a break.

  • Opportunities are rare and hard to come by.

  • I have to hold on to what I have, or I’ll lose it.

  • Success is only for the lucky ones.

  • I’ll always struggle financially.

  • If someone else succeeds, it means less for me.

  • I can’t afford to take risks.

  • I’ll never be able to achieve my dreams.

My Scarcity Mindset limits and discourage me from taking risks, exploring new opportunities, or embracing abundance and growth. 

How about you? Where has a Scarcity Mindset limited you? Dreams, finances, relationships?

On the other spectrum…

Abundance Mindset knows there is more where that came from.

Abundance Mindset says…

  • There’s enough to go around

  • God’s not limited by only the resources we can see

  • There’s more of that where that came from

  • I have what I need when I need it

  • Father sees the road ahead and makes a way where there doesn’t seem to be a way

Shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset involves recognizing your limiting beliefs and replacing them with thoughts of abundance, gratitude, and a belief in a world of possibilities.

Here are X Principles You Must Embrace to Shift Your Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

1. Father Provided All Your Needs

You can rest because your Heavenly Father provided everything you needed before you needed it. 

Did you notice I said provided in the past tense? 

When Jesus went to the cross, He paid for our ticket to Heaven and for us to have Zoe life here and now. That encompasses all our lives, including wholeness and provision.

Philippians 4:19 NASB

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 6:8b NASB

For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

There are so many provision stories in the Bible. 

One of my favorites is that Father provided the means for baby Jesus and His family to escape to Egypt using the gifts from the Wiseman, who provided them before they needed them. 

God’s provision for Joseph, Mary and Jesus started back to Daniel. Daniel was a Magi…who came to Jesus with gifts? The three Wiseman…another name is Magi. Who told them to be on the lookout for the star in the East for the King of kings? Scholars believe it was Daniel.

I can see Father’s hand of provision throughout my life. It may not always come as I expect, but He always comes through. Sometimes I don’t notice his abundant provision until I look back. He will do it for you too!!

And the provision doesn’t always mean money, either. It could be the right word you need at the right time or favor with a business colleague or family member.

2. There’s Enough Pies to Go Around

The Scarcity mindset thinks there’s only so much pie to go around.

There’s more pie where that came from because our Heavenly Father is the ultimate baker. He’s the God who “owns a cattle on a thousand hills” and “paves His streets with Gold.”

“There’s more where that came from,” is a great statement to remind yourself of. This will help shift you from Scarcity to the Abundance Mindset.

3. Father Doesn’t Play Favorites

People may play favorites, but God never does.

Romans 2:11 NASB

For there is no partiality with God.

You are the apple of Father’s eye. His beloved. He doesn’t leave you out, but your mindset can cause you to miss what God’s trying to bring you through others.

How do you develop an Abundance Mindset?

1. Use the law of exchange to shut up the voice of Scarcity

Like with other mindsets, you create an Abundance Mindset through the law of exchange. You swap out the negative Scarcity Mindset thoughts for thoughts of Abundance and God’s goodness. 

I like to prep my abundance mantra ahead of time so I’m ready when my Scarcity Mindset tries to kick in and limit me.

 So that when your mind thinks, “I got looked over again.” You can immediately counteract it with your new statement like, “God supplies all my needs,” or “There’s more where that came from.”

2. Start a gratitude journal

Look for what God is already doing in your life, and write three to five good things happening for you every day. 

Remember, Father typically uses people to bring abundance into our lives.

3. Celebrate others and their blessings

Celebrating others’ success and abundance reminds you there are more pies to go around. 

It keeps your heart open to receiving the abundance Father has for you.


  • Where do you have a Scarcity Mindset, and where do you have an Abundance Mindset?

  • Meditate on God’s favor, goodness and abundance in the area you’re stuck in scarcity.

    • Start by looking up a story where God came through or study the one I gave you about God providing for Jesus.

  • Create an Abundance Mindset mantra or statement for yourself

  • Celebrate someone this week for getting something you wanted, i.e., promotion, gift, vacation, etc.

When you embrace an Abundance Mindset, you expand your life, keep your heart open for what’s possible, and enjoy more of what you already have!

If you enjoy this series, get ready because my new book, Hello Courageous, will start pre-sales in mid-September! I’ll get you more info as it gets closer. If you want to join my launch team and get early access to the book, email me at hello@heatherbunch.com.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!