Podcast Episode 217 - 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #2 Stay in Your Comfort Zone


Podcast Episode 217 - 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #2 Stay in Your Comfort Zone


Do you have a dream in your heart, but when you step out, you get scared and retreat?

How big is your comfort zone? 

Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone because of the disaster the last time you tried?

We’re continuing our series on 10 Sure Fire Ways to Stay Stuck. Let’s talk about our oh, so-comfy comfort zone today. It’s that place that makes us feel safe and certain. But is our comfort zone sabotaging our dreams? Is your need for peace, safety or certainty causing you to miss out on your God-given purpose?

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of feeling like a bird in a cage of fear.

  • If you desire to become more.

  • If you’re ready to get comfortable being uncomfortable so you can live your life with purpose and on purpose.

In the last episode, we discussed the first surefire way to stay stuck–stop learning. If we don’t learn, we remain stuck in the dull drums of life and miss out on gaining the knowledge, skills and expertise we need to fulfill our God-given purpose. I gave you five ways to start learning so you can grow in the right direction.

#2 Sure-Fire Way to Stay Stuck – Stay in Your Comfort Zone 

Your comfort zone is the place you feel safe and, many times, certain. These are two basic needs of humans. 

These needs matter, but it’s not all we need. We need a life of significance and contribution. That’s fulfilling our God-given purpose. 

Nothing of significance happens in your comfort zone. 

And I get it; the comfort zone is COMFORTABLE! That’s why I stayed in my oh-so-comfy comfort zone for decades! 

I was a bird in a cage with the door open and was too afraid to fly out…I started and stopped so many times I’d stop counting fails. The most notable was when I tried to step out of my comfort zone and start coaching. I fainted before my first networking event and every month or two for over a year afterward. 

Until I made flying out of my comfort zone into my bigger, brighter future a must…not a should.

It’s time to challenge yourself to do things outside your comfort zone. This will push you to grow. And to stay out of your comfort zone, you’ll develop new skills and abilities you didn’t think you had.

So do you want to fulfill your God-given purpose? You must leave your comfort zone and stretch into your uncomfortable zone.

Sure-Fire Way to Succeed – Stretch Into Your UnComfortable Zone: 

It can be challenging to step out of your comfort zone, especially when trying something new or taking a risk. Here are five ways to help you get out of your comfort zone:

1. Set Small, Achievable Goals 

Start by setting small goals that are just beyond your comfort zone. These smaller achievements can help build confidence and motivation to take bigger steps.

I will set a timer for 15 minutes and tell myself….” I can do anything for 15 minutes.” 

Or “I can write and send one email to reach out.”

2. Change Your Routine 

Shake up your routine by trying something new or doing it differently. Breaking away from doing things the same way every day helps infuse spontaneity and excitement into your life, allowing you to build the confidence muscle you need to tackle new things.

Variety is the spice of life. As humans, we actually need uncertainty or variety. So change up that routine and try fresh ideas or new approaches to your dreams, goals or life in general.

3. Embrace Uncertainty 

You can never be sure of the outcome, and that’s okay. Rather than focusing on the result of your decision or action, focus on the growth potential that comes with the challenge. Be ready to accept whatever comes your way and learn from it.

Once I started dabbling outside my comfort zone with coaching, speaking and writing, I realized I loved it! I wanted to do more but was petrified to step out full-time. With its steady bi-weekly paychecks, my job was like a comfy feather bed beckoning me to stay. It was my comfort zone where I knew what to expect and when to expect it, even if I didn’t always enjoy it. But it was “certain.” But this thinking kept me stuck for years.

I was forced to embrace uncertainty by getting kicked out of the nest called my job doing Covid. What would have happened if I had embraced uncertainty myself and stepped out years earlier? I probably would have been further ahead and gained more confidence wading through the uncertainty…that I chose.

Are you going to embrace uncertainty or wait for it to kick you out of the nest?

4. Practice Positive Self-talk

Developing positive self-talk can help change your mindset and reduce the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone. 

Talk to yourself: 

  • “I can do this.” 

  • “This may be uncomfortable, but it will help me grow.”

I like to add putting my hand on my heart or wherever I’m feeling alarmed in my body from fear and saying, “You’re safe at this moment.” And then I tell myself, “I’m stronger than I think.”

Positive self-talk and mantras can help build confidence and overcome self-doubt. You’re also not giving yourself an escape hatch.

5. Seek Support

Seek support from family, friends or peers who have faced similar challenges. Please don’t wait for them to come to you.

Having people to share your experience and thoughts, where you can ask for advice and receive constructive feedback, is a fantastic motivator to help you step out of your comfort zone–and stretch into your UnComfortable Zone.

You also get to celebrate all your awesome wins with your supporters …

FYI, a win is any forward movement outside your comfort zone. So be sure to celebrate it all!!

Getting out of your comfort zone is a process. You must continually and intentionally stretch out of your comfort zone to grow. 

When you stretch consistently stretch into your uncomfortable zone, you’ll start getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Then what used to be scary and uncomfortable now becomes more comfortable. Now you’re expanding your comfort zone to new territory. 

Next, it’s time to tackle new areas you can grow and stretch into, so you can continually keep fulfilling your purpose.

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening! 

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!