Podcast Episode 216 - 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #1 Stop Learning


Podcast Episode 216 - 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #1 Stop Learning


Do you ever feel stuck in life or business and aren’t sure how to get moving again?

Do you feel like you’re stagnant and not growing?

How is your conversation? Dull and boring or vibrant and full of new revelations?

Fulfilling our God-given purpose requires us to grow in all areas of our life. It’s easy to get stuck when pursuing your dreams or just getting caught up in life—ten surefire ways to keep you stuck. Over the next two weeks, we’ll unpack these cherry pitfalls that will keep you from your purpose and what you can do to get unstuck and moving again.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of where you’re at in your life or business.

  • If you need help getting unstuck or a new perspective to avoiding the molasses swamps in life.

  • If you’re ready to go to the next level in life so you can fulfill your God-given purpose.

Have you ever made a cake, and something went horribly wrong? Or, maybe you tried to make homemade bread for the first time, and it came out hard as the rock of Gibraltar?

I love baking, but I always follow a recipe because baking is a fairly precise process. What happens if I get too much of one ingredient or not enough of another? Yep, it ain’t gonna work.

Life can work the same way. If we don’t follow the recipes or principles of life and growth, our life doesn’t turn out as it could have.

Over the next two weeks, I’ll unpack ten sure-fire ways to keep you stuck with a life that’s not working and then give you the real secret ingredients to get your life’s recipe working again.

#1 Way to Stay Stuck: Stop Learning

If plants don’t grow, they’re dying. They can’t produce fruit and live out their purpose. It works the same for us. If you’re not growing, your purpose is dying. 

You’ll feel stagnant and unfulfilled if you’re not continually learning and growing.

Get Unstuck by Learning New Things

The Old saying “you learn something new everyday,” isn’t always true. You learn new things every day, but if you don’t purpose to learn, you’ll miss out on learning the new things that will help you grow in the right direction.  

There are so many ways to learn new things. Take online courses, read books, or attend workshops and seminars to learn new skills and expand your knowledge. 

Here are five ways to help you learn new things:

1. Implement Active Learning 

Active learning is engaging in the learning process actively. 

Active learning methods include: 

  • Asking questions

  • Taking notes

  • Participating in discussions

  • Experimenting

  • Problem-solving

2. Practice 

“Practice makes perfect” is only true if you practice correctly. You’re never good at anything the first time, so keep trying. 

But you also need to make sure you’re practicing it correctly. 

I took horseback riding lessons. My instructors always told me to “straighten your back” and “heels down.” I thought I was doing it right in my head, but I needed continual adjustments to get in the correct position. The more I did it, the more I could feel if I was off or not.

Practice, evaluate, refine and repeat is a better recipe for successful learning. 

3. Find a Cohort

  • Learning together with a cohort can help hold you both accountable. You have someone waiting on you and visa versa. 

    • I know I need accountability to get done what I want to do for myself, so I make sure to get what I need.

  • Cohorts create a little competition. 

    • Push you more than you might do by yourself. i.e., kickboxing class.

  • Cohorts make learning more fun. 

    • You can celebrate your wins, progress together and laugh about your mistakes along the way.

4. Use Different Resources 

Everyone learns differently. 

To learn effectively, you may need to use various resources such as books, online courses, workshops, videos or podcasts to gain a deeper understanding of the topic you want to learn. Maybe you need in-person instead of online or hands instead of theory only.

Think of how you learn best. Are you an auditory, visual or kinesthetic (hands-on) learner? Do what works best for you.

5. Make It Fun

Incorporate creativity, fun and enjoyment into your learning process. 

For example, you can create games or quizzes or make notes with colorful pens. Use mind maps, or discuss the topic with friends (or cohorts) to make learning more fun. Try going to a park, museum or play or concert.

You’ll be more motivated to learn and will retain the information better. 

As you learn new things, you’re cooking up a recipe for growth and helping you pursue your God-given purpose!

Thanks a bunch for listening! 

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!