Podcast Episode 121 – What can The Christmas Carol teach you about your life?

Podcast Episode 121 – What can The Christmas Carol teach you about your life?

Have you ever watched a movie and gotten a lesson from it that you needed for your life?

Think about 2023. What do you want your life to look like?

What do you want to change from 2022 to 2023?

Today I want to talk to you about the movie the Christmas Carol and what it teaches us about your life.

So, I'm talking to you today:

  • If you're ready for 2023 to be your best year.

  • If you're looking at 2022 and see things you want to leave behind.

  • If you want to create a better life for yourself and go to the next level in your life.

There are some really great messages you can get out of Christmas movies, so I'm going to do a series on my favorite Christmas movies.

When I think about Scrooge, I see a miserly old man that doesn't care about anyone else around him or how his actions affect others.

He had an experience that changed him when the ghost of Christmas past, present and future took him through a journey of what was, what could be and what will be if he doesn't change.

Ghost of Christmas Past

Scrooge saw what his past really looked like. He saw that his old story said he would be valued if he earned more money. Scrooge missed out on connections that mattered. Now he could finally see the hurt and pain and how he was trying to keep himself safe.

My past said your voice doesn't matter; if you share your authentic self, you'll cause conflict and disconnection with people. I merged with others' opinions and voices. I didn't show up as myself, and I caused the very thing I didn't want–disconnection from people. I had acquaintances but never went deep. It held me back.

I had to learn to rewrite that old story, and now I can show up fully myself and have deep connections with my friends. But I had to face my past first.

We must look at our past and see our old story and how it is affecting us today.

Your old story is shaping your present and future.

What in your past do you need to face?

When you face it, it will change anything. 

Ghost of Christmas Present

Scrooge saw what Christmas was all about and the value of it all. He saw what he’d been missing and how others viewed him.

He began to desire what he was missing.

We need to see what could be. It opens the door to change.

When I began to see what relationships could be in my life, I desired that.

What do you need to see so you can become that?

What are you missing out on and maybe don't even realize it?

Explore what life could look like if you changed. 

What's possible if you change your old story to a new story?

Scrooge's journey doesn't end there, nor does ours.

Ghost of Christmas Future

Scrooge had to come to terms with what would happen if he stayed on the same path. 

He saw the stark reality of where his journey was taking him if he didn't change and how it would affect others like Tiny Tim. He saw how the business community saw him differently than he thought, which wasn't good.

That was his turning point.

He saw if he changed how much it could help others, including saving the life of Tiny Tim.

Look at the path you're on now, and if nothing else changes, what would your future look like?

Would it be what God designed it to be? Or would you be missing out?

I had to come to terms with that myself and saw I would miss out on everything and every person God called me to help.

I committed to changing, growing, working through my fears, and continually growing each year.

What is robbing you of your future?

Do I need to let something go?

What are you focusing on that doesn't matter that is robbing you of what does matter?

Scrooge committed to being generous and thinking about people, which changed everything for him, Tiny Tim, and so many others.

What do you need to change? 

List out what needs to change.

What will you commit to change?

But you can't do it all at once. So, pick one or two things to change right now. 

Then as you grow, commit to another thing to change.

You get to pick your future.

Is your future going to be what you want it to be, or are you and others going to miss out because you didn't commit to change?

If you need more help overcoming fear trying to hold you back from your future, pick up my free resource, Three Habits to Live Fearlessly Free, at https://www.heatherlbunch.com/. Fill out the form, and I’ll get that right to you.

This worksheet will help you overcome the fear so you can persistently fulfill your God-given purpose–courageously!

You've got this, and Father's got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!