Podcast Episode 247 - Step Into Your Power With The Victor Mindset


Podcast Episode 247 – Step Into Your Power With The Victor Mindset


Have you found your thoughts going down a rabbit hole and then struggled to dig yourself out?

Do you know your circumstances could be better if only so-and-so would change?

Have you ever felt trapped in a life that you didn’t sign up for?

We’re beginning a series about the five mindsets you need to live your life to the fullest. It’s a Mindset Reset.

Today is for you if…

  • If you desire more joy or love your life more.

  • If you’re tired of feeling like the backseat driver of your own life.

  • If you’re ready to become jump into the driver’s seat.

Today, we’re starting with the foundational mindset that everything builds on.

Step Into Your Power With The Victor Mindset

A Victor Mindset is driven by a belief in personal agency and the power to shape one's own destiny.

A Victor Mindset is characterized by:

  • Personal responsibility for my thoughts, feelings and choices.

  • The Victor Mindset knows thoughts are powerful! 

On the other spectrum is the Victim Mindset.

The Victim Mindset thinks if a thought comes, you’re stuck with it. 

A victim mindset is characterized by:

  • Sense of powerlessness 

  • Blame - it’s not my fault is their war-cry

  • The belief that external forces, people and circumstances, control my life

  • Dominated by feelings

A Victim Mindset strips you of your power and can lead to feelings of hopelessness.

The Victor Mindset, with all its power, comes from your Creator. Father made you in His image, and the same power Jesus had, He gave to you. 

Matthew 28:18 NASB

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

Understand First…

1. You’re Not a Victim of Your Thoughts

Did you know that just because a thought comes it doesn’t mean you have to keep it? 

And just because a thought comes doesn’t make it true, either. 

You get to choose your thoughts.

In Andy Andrews' book, The Noticer, a character named Jones tells Andy, "You can't believe everything you think." Just because you think it doesn't make it true. 

Like when I thought, "You're an idiot," or, "Can't you ever get this right?" “You’re voice doesn’t matter.” “You’re not as gifted as so-and-so.”

Or, my favorite, "Who do you think you are to try and make a difference in this world?" None of this is true!

Philippians 4:8 NIV

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Paul wouldn’t have told us to think wonderful, fabulous thoughts if it wasn’t possible. He said, “Think about such things.” That means you have a choice.

You’re not a victim of your thoughts. You get to choose your thoughts, you get to choose what stays, and you get to choose what goes.

2. Become a Victor of Your Thoughts with the Victor Mindset Formula

You Think > You Feel > You Choose

It all starts with a thought. You see, first, you think a thought that leads to specific feelings. 

Then you choose. You choose to be a victor or a victim. 

You choose to act in line with what will create your best life


You choose to act in ways that sabotage everything you’ve been working for.

“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.” Earl Nightingale 

Whenever I thought, “I can’t,” it caused feelings of shame, anxiety and defeat; 

I chose to act on those feelings and missed opportunities because I chose inaction. 

Inaction is a victim mindset. I didn’t think I had to power to live a victorious life.

Use this Victor mindset formula to work for you instead of against you! You get to choose!

So how do we get this formula working for us?

3. Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Future 

You can’t get rid of thoughts by willing them away. Don’t think about pink elephants.

You have to use the law of exchange.

Swap the victim thought for a victor thought.

If you want to think “I CAN,” you’ve got to swap out that “I Can’t” thought to “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” thought.

Preplan Your Exchange

I find it hard to come up with the best thoughts when I’m in the heat of feeling crappy.

So, I like to create some thoughts ahead of time that I can swap out when I need to shift from victim to victor.

  • I like to use scripture. I also create mantras based on the opposite of my negative thought.

    • “I’m more power than I think,” came out of my fainting episodes where I thought, “I was weak.”

It takes time and work to change your thoughts, and it takes even longer for positive thoughts to be automatic if you’ve been stuck in a negative thought rut for years.

But you can do it! It’s called renewing your mind. You’re exchanging a negative thought for a positive thought…over and over and over.

The goal is to have a Victor mindset…most of the time, it takes time.

Creating a Victor Mindset puts the power to live the life you desire in your court.


Reflect on your mindset. 

  • What is it? Do you have a Victim mindset or a Victor mindset?

    • Are your thoughts serving you? Or dragging you down?

  • What are three Victim thoughts that hit you regularly?

  • What are three Victor thoughts you can think of instead?

When those victim thoughts come…swap them out for your Victor thoughts and take your power back!

Change your thoughts to change your future and walk in the victory God’s designed you for!!

Next episode, we’re tackling the mindset that keeps us from growing into our best selves and how we can reverse that!

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You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!