Podcast Episode 221 - 10 Sure Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #6 Take Care of Everyone Else First


Podcast Episode 221 - 10 Sure Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #6 Take Care of Everyone Else First


Have you ever felt so tired you wanted to give up?

Do you have time for everyone’s needs but nothing left in your tank?

Ever feel like a maid, taxi driver and butler all rolled into one, and now you’re starting to resent the very people you’re helping?

There are so many ways to stay stuck, but if we do, we’ll miss out on what Father’s got in store for us to experience. Today we’re talking about the #6 surefire way to stay stuck. And you may know what it is, but are you doing what you know to do?

Today is for you if...

  • If you’re tired of being tired with no energy to pursue your hobbies, goals or dreams.

  • If you desire to fulfill your God-given purpose but seem you have too much day and not enough time.

  • If you’re ready to learn the growth secret that every successful person not just knows but does religiously.

Can you believe in this series, we’ve learned five sure-fire ways to stay stuck…#1 Stop learning and #2 Stay in your comfort zone; #3 Failure isn’t an option; #4 Hang out with negative people going nowhere; and #5 Never look at your goals. 

I want to talk about a surefire way to stay stuck that seems rampant, especially among women.

#6 Sure-Fire Way to Stay Stuck – Take Care of Everyone Else First 

Are you taking care of everyone else and leaving yourself for last? This is a surefire way to stay stuck. 

Putting others first sounds like a very holy thing. Philippians 2 even talks about it. However, we take what Paul wrote out of context. When he said, “regard others as more important than yourselves,” he wasn’t talking about burning yourself out as you serve others. It’s about living a humble life. 

“True Humility Is Not Thinking Less of Yourself, It’s Thinking of Yourself Less.” –C.S. Lewis

Jesus told us to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” We can’t love others until we love ourselves. And even Jesus went away by himself to pray and rejuvenate.

Just like on an airplane, they instruct you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others; you need to care for yourself so you’re better equipped to help others.

If you’re too worn out, played out or burnt out, you’ll never be able to fulfill what Father’s called you to do. You’ll stay stuck, stunt your growth and feel resentful to the very people you’re caring for.

Sure-Fire Way to Succeed – Take Care of Yourself First

Self-care is essential to personal growth; it enables you to prioritize your physical, emotional and mental health. 

It will also enable you to care for others more effectively and with a joyful heart. 

Special Announcement

I want to share with you how I’m taking better care of myself right now, and it has to do with this podcast. From today’s podcast moving forward, I’m shifting to a two-day-a-week schedule. 

This shift allows me more time in my schedule to take care of things Father’s put on my heart for me to do.

This change also allows me to go a little deep into topics, engage with you more through email and social media, and create more content for you in various ways.

The big one is to finish the book I’ve been working on so that you can live the courageous life Father’s called you to, discover who you truly are, gifts and all and remove whatever might try to stop you. I can’t wait to share it with you!!

So moving forward, I’ll post on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Here are five ways self-care can help personal growth:

1. Self-Care Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the significant obstacles to personal growth.

Self-care activities can help you reduce stress, manage anxiety and depression, and enhance your overall well-being.

Breathing, meditation and stretching are my favorites.

2. Self-Care Promotes Self-awareness 

Self-care helps individuals to take time to reflect and gain insight into what they need and want.

By listening to your body, emotions and mind, you can discover effective strategies to care for yourself and support others.

3. Self-Care Fosters a Positive Mindset

Positive self-talk, self-affirmations and emotional regulation strategies, and taking good care of oneself help build a healthy and positive mindset.

This mindset allows you to approach challenges confidently and explore new passions and creative outlets.

4. Self-Care Enhances Your Health 

Physical self-care, such as getting enough sleep, healthy eating habits and regular exercise, helps promote a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining good physical health improves mental and emotional well-being, promoting growth and development.

You can’t do what Father’s called you to do and be when you’re in the grave. You’re done at that point.

5. Self-Care Improves Your Relationships

Self-care ensures that you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and boosts your self-esteem and relationships with others. Because you realize…baby, you’re worth it!

Engage in self-care activities: 

• Spend time with family (that is fun or relaxing)

• Vacations or personal retreats

• Recreational activities or hobbies

Find things that make you happy. 

This can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. And let’s be honest; we’re not fun to hang out with when stressed out, right?

It also increases your ability to start conversations; you have more interesting things to discuss.

And it provides greater opportunities for meaningful interaction.

Self-care is vital to personal growth, supporting a positive mindset and mental, physical and emotional health, leading to a better quality of life and increased opportunities for growth and development.

When you put your oxygen mask on first, you’re juiced up and ready to help those around you!

If you’ve been enjoying this podcast, can you do me a favor and share it with a friend you think could help you get unstuck?

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening! 

Remember, I’ll see you right back here on Thursday.

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!