Podcast Episode 201 - 5 Lessons I Learned From My Dog


Podcast Episode 201 - 5 Lessons I Learned From My Dog


Would you like more support in your life?

Could you use a little more relaxation and a lot less worry?

How about more fun in your life?

Starting a new series on lessons I learned from my pets. You can find wisdom in the darnedest places. I’m going to share with you today 5 Lessons I Learned From My Dog.

Today is for you if…

  • If you desire to enjoy your life more.

  • If you get lost in all the business of life too often.

  • If you’re ready to glean wisdom that you can apply to create a better life for yourself and your family.

Here are five lessons I learned from my dog, Yoshi:


Loyalty Matters

Dogs are known for being loyal. Yoshi is 100% for his family. 

Loyalty is the support you always give to someone you love.

John 15:13 NIV

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Loyalty goes both ways. Sometimes it is easier to be loyal to someone, but you don’t allow them to support you back. 

Reach out to someone today and love on them.

Relax a Little (or a Lot)

Dogs are fantastic at relaxing. Yoshi sleeps a lot, but he also hangs and just stares out the window watching the world go by.

We underestimate the value of relaxing. It refreshes us physically, mentally and emotionally.

Make a list of ways you love to relax, and pick one to do today, if you can or this week.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

Dogs are just happy creatures almost all the time. As a whole, they don’t hang on to problems for long or spend hours worrying. 

Philippians 4:6 NLT

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

I don’t have to pretend you’re not anxious. Listen to what it’s trying to tell you and then bring that to Father.

Pack First–AKA Family First

Dogs are pack animals. They hang with their pack. Yoshi is happiest when the whole pack is together (aka everyone is home).

We can get busy with all the doing or the doing for the family that we forget to spend time with the ones we’re doing it for.

Try Play dates, read together, games nights, movie nights w/snacks, walks, etc.

Also, don’t forget: pray together, talk out problems, forgive, etc.

This isn’t just for the kids, do this with your spouse too. If you’re single, spend some time with extended family. If not family, your closest friends can be your family. 

Play Matters

Dogs love to play. They love playing with each other, with their family and even by themselves. Yoshi will throw around his own toys and run after them. Dogs are known for the evening Zoomies, where they just start sprinting around the house. 

Psalm 118:24 NKJV

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Have fun! In this day and age, you may need to plan for fun, so plan for it.

Dance, go out, or stay in if you’re always out. But have some fun!

Be playful when talking with your spouse, kids or friends. 

Follow these five lessons, we’ll be someone you would want to hang around with, just like our canine companions.

If enjoying the podcast, please share it with a friend who could use encouragement today; that could be your way of supporting and being loyal to someone today that needs it.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!