Podcast Episode 128 - How to stop hiding and get comfortable in your own skin

Podcast Episode 128 - How to stop hiding and get comfortable in your own skin

Are you hiding your real self?

Do you think, “if they see the real me, they’ll reject me”?

Are you trying to fit into the mold? You know, feeling like a square peg in a round hole.

Today we’re talking about how we can stop hiding so we can actually show up fully ourselves.

  • So, I’m talking to you today if you’re ready to stop hiding and desire to show up fully yourself.

  • If you want to feel comfortable in your own skin, I’m talking to you too.

  • And, if you’re tired of being the chameleon, this is your day, my friend.

I was a professional chameleon throughout my childhood and a couple of decades of my adult years.

If I was with an outgoing, fun and crazy group of people, I was fun and loud.

If I was with more reserved or book-smart people, I was quieter and reserved and miraculously became more intelligent.

I hid so much; for so long, I forgot who I was and even had to figure out what kind of eggs and pizza I liked. I was like whoever I was around.

It wasn’t until I learned to get comfortable in my own skin that I changed my chameleon ways by stopping hiding and showing up fully myself. Only then could I start stepping into my God-given purpose.

How about you? Are you hiding? Have you forgotten who you really are?

Who are you really?

  • Fun and infectious?

  • Vibrant and bold?

  • Calm and commanding?

  • Or something else?

Whatever it is, we need to learn to show up as ourselves. God doesn’t need another Heather, and He doesn’t need another you.

God just needs you to be fully you.

Are you ready to get comfortable in your own skin?

Here are a couple of ways to start the process so you can stop hiding and show up fully.

1. Find your people

Maybe you haven’t found your people yet. Those people that you fit with and get you. Those people you can learn to be yourself around, knowing you’re still loved and accepted.

My people don’t always get my humor or movie quotes, but I can still show up as myself, knowing they still love me.

2. Practice showing up as yourself

You don’t have to go from zero-fully hiding to 100% yourself. Start small. Get comfortable. Dip your toe in the water.

Most of us have been hiding so long it’s really uncomfortable being ourselves. Hiding has become natural.

It takes practice to show up as yourself.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

And it will get easier over time.

When you’re with your people, this makes practicing being you easier because you’ve got a safe place to practice.

Remember, you rob the world of your brilliance when you hide your true self.

Your authentic self is absolutely incredible. Nobody is like you, and we need you to stop hiding and show up fully yourself so you can fulfill your God-given purpose and reach those only you can reach.

We will change the world when we stop hiding, show up fully ourselves and fulfill our God-given purpose.

If you need more help, stop hiding and showing up yourself so you can fulfill your God-given purpose, pick up my free resource, Three Habits to Live Fearlessly Free, at https://www.heatherlbunch.com/.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!