Podcast Episode 101 - Learn to let go of fear and step into your power

Podcast Episode 101 - Learn to let go of fear and step into your power

Are you afraid to speak up?

Have you been scared to share the message God gave you?

Do you ever get intimidated and shrink back from situations or people?

Today is for you:

  • If you’re tired of running from your message.

  • If you desire boldness to speak the truth.

  • If you’re ready to stand up for yourself and what God’s called you to do.

We’re talking about fear today, especially as it relates to your calling, you’re God-given purpose.

Fear comes against us, all of us, and it tries to keep us from doing what God’s called us to do and speaking what He’s called us to do.

2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (disciple).

Paul told Timothy not to be afraid because of all the persecution but to be bold and do what God called Timothy to do. You see, Paul was in prison writing this and Timothy must have gotten intimidated and started to shrink back from his calling.

Fear here means timidity or reticence.

Reticence is reserved, especially concerning speaking freely.

How many of us have been afraid to speak freely? Yea, me too.

God gave us three things to help us overcome the fear that would cause us to shrink back and be afraid to speak freely, doing what He’s called us to do.

1. Power

Power is dynamis in Greek. It means the ability to perform. 

It’s the same word used for Holy Spirit’s power in us.

God’s given us the power to speak the message in our hearts, overcome obstacles, and fulfill our calling using the Holy Spirit’s power. 

2. Love

Love here is agape, a divine love; love focused on preference. God prefers us. 

The more we understand God’s love, resting and walking in that, the more we can walk in who God’s called us to be. We can walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

3. Disciple

Disciple in Greek is safe-minded or prudent behavior that correctly fits a situation.

We can speak freely about the message God’s given us, but it’s not an excuse to be a jerk about it. 

God’s always called us to walk in love no matter our purpose. 

Your behavior and speech should always line up with love. When it does, you’ll speak the right thing at the right time in the right way.

God hasn’t given us a spirit that calls us to shrink back, but He’s given us a spirit of power, the ability to perform our purpose with the Holy Spirit’s power. He loves us unconditionally, and that love empowers us to be fully ourselves. And we have the wisdom to speak the right thing at the right time and in the right way…always in love.

If you need more help overcoming the fear so you can fully speak freely, pick up my free resource, Three Habits to Live Fearlessly Free, at https://www.heatherlbunch.com/.

This worksheet will help you overcome the fear so you can fulfill your God-given purpose–courageously!

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!