Podcast Episode 109 - How to bring more peace into your holiday mayhem

Podcast Episode 109 - How to bring more peace into your holiday mayhem

Do the holidays stress you out?

Does your peace fly out the window when you think of Thanksgiving (or any holiday) get-together?

Are you worried about the conversations around the table or the ones that should happen and don’t?

Today we’re talking about bringing more peace into the holidays.

Today is for you:

  • If you want to feel peace this holiday season.

  • If you’re tired of the stress that seems inevitable with the hustle and bustle.

  • If you’re ready for this year to be different.

I used to get massively stressed out over the holidays. It was my baking. That’s my jam, but if anything went wrong, I was a stressed-out basket-case. Poor Bob…he’s put up with so much time over the years.

One year it hit me I was so stressed because I was hoping my baking would bring me accolades from my family and more attention. And if anything went wrong, it would rob me of that and cause massive stress.

What’s causing you stress? How can we get more peace during this holiday season?

Isaiah 26:3 Berean Standard Bible

You will keep in perfect peace the steadfast mind because he trusts in you.

Let’s break this down.

Steadfast = rest/support/lean on

Mind = purpose/intent

Keep = guard/exercise great care and vigilance to keep intact

Perfect Peace = Peace is wholeness, bringing wellness and prosperity (internally and externally)

There are two Peace written in this verse, so God’s giving us a double portion of peace. On top of that, there’s an emphasis added that means it’s not just a little peace but an incredible, GINORMOUS amount of peace!! 

So let me sum all those definitions up:

Our purpose and intent are to lean on God, who will exercise great care and vigilance to keep our peace intact. And not just a little peace but a MASSIVE amount of peace!!

Why? Because you’re relying on your Father God with your whole weight.

Don’t try to get something from your family that’s not theirs to give.

So where is your trust?

Are you relying on your family to bring you peace, or what you need? Or are you relying on God to give you the peace you crave? 

Rest your whole weight on your Father God because He is fully trustworthy to rest your whole weight of your life on…and double peace is on its way!

If you enjoy this podcast, please share this episode with a friend who needs it.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!