Podcast Episode 244 - What Rapunzel Taught Me About Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone


Podcast Episode 244 - What Rapunzel Taught Me About Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone


Have you ever wanted to have an adventure but were too afraid to do it?

Is it scary for you to let people into your life?

Do you ever struggle with your worth?

We’re continuing our series on what Disney Princesses can teach us, and It’s time for another one of my favs…Princess Rapunzel! 

Today is for you if…

  • If you are tired of waiting for your life to begin. 

  • If you desire deeper relationships with your spouse, family or friends.

  • If you’re ready to embrace who Father’s created you to be so you can live your best life. 

When she stepped out courageously to do what she’d never done, she experienced life for the first time. Through this, she discovered her true identity; found what true love is and what she had gotten from who she thought her mother was only manipulating.

Rapunzel was stolen as a baby because she was born with an extraordinary power. 

She lived in the same tower all her life, afraid to leave it but staring out the window, dreaming of the day her life would begin.

When Will My Life Begin

Stuck in the same place I’ve always been.

And I’ll keep wonderin’ and wonderin’

And wonderin' and wonderin'

When will my life begin?

Then a rouge thief tried to use her tower to hide the crown he’d stolen and had also double-crossed his partners.

After knocking out Flynn Rider with a frying pan, Rapunzel hides the crown and uses this to have Flynn take her to see the lanterns she’s been craving to see all her life.

1. True Life

Rapunzel steps out of the tower for the first time.

I love watching her stick her tow out, trying to touch the grass but unsure. 

She steps out of her comfort zone and experiences life for the first time—grass, babbling brook, the sunshine, the snuggly duckling full of rouges and ruffians. 

Are you living life to the fullest or stuck in a rut?

Do you wake up excited for the day or drag yourself out of bed because you must?

Step out of your comfort zone and try something new you can try this week to awaken yourself. Or, get out of your normal day-to-day box.

Take a yoga class, learn an instrument, go somewhere you’ve always wanted to, invite a friend to coffee, go through an online course and learn something new you’ve always wanted.

My friend Becky went skydiving for her birthday a few weeks ago. It’s been on her bucket list for a couple decades and she finally took the leap. She said it was an incredible experience where she felt alive and can’t wait to do it again.

2. True Love

Rapunzel grew up with a manipulator. She hadn’t seen true love her whole life up until this point.

On her adventure, Rapunzel and Flynn realize that they love each other. That took getting out of her comfort zone from everything she knew about love up to this point. It was scary and could have backfired. But she took the risk. Then she experienced true love that they would sacrifice themselves for the other. 

I See the Light song

All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in

All that time never even knowing Just how blind I’ve been

Now I’m here blinking in the starlight

Now I’m here suddenly I see

Standing here it’s all so clear I’m where I’m meant to be

And at last I see the light

And it’s like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it’s like the sky is new

And it’s warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything looks different

Now that I see you

It reminds me to be thankful for Father’s true love. He is loved and loves us unconditionally—no strings attached. 

Jeremiah 31:3b ESV

I have loved you with everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you.

This kind of love feels risky because we’ve often seen manipulative, conditional love. I’ll love you if…

We have to step out of our comfort zone to embrace Father’s true love for ourselves and not just others.

Father will also use humans to express His love to us.

A hug, a text out of nowhere, a note in the mail or a gift. 

3. True Identity 

Growing up, she didn’t know who she truly was, the privilege she was born into. She was raised by a woman claiming to be her mom but only keeping her around to use Rapunzel for her healing powers so she could have an unnaturally long life.

Rapunzel finally learns the truth, and it is uncomfortable to learn. Everything she thought about her mother was a lie, and her real family was the one lighting the very lanterns she was drawn to every year…they were lighting them for her.

All my life, I struggled with poor self-esteem. That’s just a fancy word for not knowing my identity. I didn’t know or believe who Father created me to be. 

How about you? Do you know who you are? Do you struggle with believing who Father’s created you to be?

Your In-Christ-Ness defines your identity. 

Ephesians 4:1 Mirror Study Bible

The fact that I am in prison does not in the least diminish my awareness of my “in-Christ-ness!” My complete existence is defined and confined in him. 

Who you are isn’t defined by your family, your circumstances or even what you think about yourself.

It’s defined by your “in-Christ-ness.”

It’s easy for me to forget my “in-Christ-ness” when life’s troubles come. Sometimes I get too stuck in my head, thinking I’m not enough. 

When I finally learned my true identity, my in-Christ-ness, I embraced the truth that–I’m enough because Jesus is enough. I realized I was so much better than I thought. I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and I have gifts to give to the world, and I’m finally giving them. AKA, this podcast is one of the ways I give myself away.

If you struggle with identity, stepping out of your belief to embrace the truth about yourself can be uncomfortable. The truth is that you’re enough because Jesus is enough. The truth is that your in-Christ-ness defines you, not what you feel or think about yourself.

Rapunzel would never have experienced true life, love and identity if she’d stayed in her tower. She had to step out of her comfort zone and embrace the unknown. 

Life is meant to be an adventure. It’s intended to be a place where you know your identity so you can show up fully yourself, experience true love and enjoy life to the full. But it takes getting out of your comfort zone to experience it! 


So, if you’re missing one of these areas, here’s some homework to help you grow. Pick an area you’d like to work on and do the exercise:

Experience True Life:

  • What is something new you can try this week to awaken yourself?

    • Sign up for a course, visit a new place, meet new people, take a vacation, go on an adventure, plant a garden, play a new game, etc.

Experience True Love:

  • Read John 4:7-10 and 18-19. Begin to think about these scriptures every day and thank God for His unconditional love for you.

  • Write down every moment you can think of where Father showed you His love. 

    • God often shows you love through others’ actions or by making something happen for you that only you knew.

    • It could be a text from a friend that came out of nowhere at just the right time or a beautiful sunset as you walked.

Experience True Identity:

  • Look up all the scriptures in the book of Ephesians that says In Him or In Christ. 

  • Write out your favorites on sticky notes, 3x5 cards or a note on your phone and read them multiple times daily to remind yourself who you really are.

Podcasts: Identity Upgrade #161 - 165 - learn how to discover who you are and upgrade your identity so you can see yourself as Father sees you.

When Rapunzel stepped out courageously to do what she’d never done, she experienced life for the first time. Through this, she discovered her true identity, experienced and gave true love for the first time in her life.

When you step out of your comfort zone, you can experience life, love and your true identity! That changes everything!

Consider a coach if you’re struggling to step out of your comfort zone. Coaches come alongside you and help you overcome the fear holding you back. I would love to be that coach for you. I have just a few spots left in my schedule right now. Go to heatherbunch.com/coaching and pick a time that’s right for you. Let’s see if I’m the right fit to help you Live Fearlessly Free!

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!