Podcast Episode 138 - What’s your biggest wish for the new year?

Podcast Episode 138 - What’s your biggest wish for the new year?

Do you look back at this last year and think, “ugh!”?

Do you have a dream for this new year?

Or do you struggle with dreaming or even thinking this year can be different or better?

We’re talking about what you want your new year to look like so we can create something different than this last year and fulfill our dreams!

Today is for you if:

  • If you desire to be better this year than last.

  • If you want to push past the fear to achieve dreams.

  • If you’re ready to allow yourself to dream of a better life…maybe for the first time.

If you want a better year, you have to have some kind of target. 

But before we get to the goals/targets, we need to open our minds up to the possibilities of a new and better year.

We need to dream.

Now some of you are terrific dreamers, and others struggle with dreaming because you don’t think you can do it or deserve it.

Then others are daydreaming, just waiting for life to happen to you and the good stuff to drop into your lap. That was me, but life doesn’t work that way, my friend.

Just a little reminder of our rules for dreamign and reflecting:

Rule #1 Give yourself grace because God does

God doesn’t condemn us for our mistakes, so we shouldn’t either.

Rule #2 Give yourself self-compassion

Grace is how God deals with our mistakes. Self-compassion is giving ourselves grace for our mistakes.

We all make mistakes, so be good to yourself as you process and create what you want next year to look like.

So, let’s get to dreaming, shall we?!

1. What message does Father have for me in the new year (2023)?

  1. Put on some inspiring music.

  2. Then sit in a posture of thankfulness for a few moments. 

  3. Now, ask Father what message does He have for you?

  4. Next, in a notebook or journal, start righting. Yes, just start writing what comes to your heart. Don’t think about it too much–just write. That’s Father talking to you through your pen.

Psalms 37:4 

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He’ll give you the desires of your heart.

2. What’s your biggest wish for the new year (2023)?

I’m dreaming about growing my business so I can hire my husband and a virtual assistant to help me take the admin stuff off my plate. That enables me to reach more people with the Live Fearlessly Free message.

3. Who do I need to become to achieve my biggest dream?

If we stay the same, we’ll get the same thing as last year.

We must grow and remove the stuff holding us back from becoming our best selves. 

4. What risks can I take in the face of fear?

Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s doing what you’re afraid to do anyway.

So, what do you need to do afraid to create your best year?

5. How can I add more of my true self into my life or business?

People need the real you, who God’s created you to be. That’s what will reach people with the message He’s given you. 

I want to add more fun and creativity into my business. In my life, I want to create more experiences with our kids that bring us together and have fun.

6. What do my life and business want that I’m not currently giving them?

It might be yourself, or it could be resources.

7. What advice would my future self give me?

Think about where you’ll be a year from now if you fulfill your dreams for this year. What would that future self say to you now? What advice would you give to help you move forward and step into all the opportunities that God’s laid out for you this year?

What message does God want to give you that you need to get out into the world? Discover that and dig into what it will take to step into your purpose and dreams for this year. 

Thanks a bunch for listening!

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!