Podcast Episode 116 - The secret ingredient to change

Podcast Episode 116 - The secret ingredient to change

Do you ever struggle with changing? Changing a habit, an issue or a "sin"?

Maybe you tried to change a habit but felt powerless to change it.

Have you ever thought if you don't change this "thing," God will be upset or unhappy with you?

Today I'm going to share with you the secret ingredient to change.

So today is for you:

  • If you want to be your best self but struggle to change.

  • If you tried to change but only felt like you took one step forward and two steps back.

  • If you need extra power behind you to make permanent changes.

I struggle to change most of my life.

It's not that I didn't want to change or didn't see the need to change; I just felt like the one step forward and two steps back person. 

I want to share a quote from Richard Rohr's book Yes, And…

God always entices you through love.

You were probably taught that God would love you if and when you changed. In fact, God loves you so that you can change.

What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change, is the experience of love and acceptance itself. This is the engine of change.

So LOVE is the secret ingredient to change!

Here are three steps to apply this secret ingredient to change because it's not what you know but what you apply and receive that transforms you.

1. Look through the lens of love.

John 14 and Hebrews 1 talk about Jesus is the expressed image of the Father. 

So when we see Jesus, we see the Father.

We see Jesus loving on the undesirable and unloveable according to society's standards of the day. If this is how Jesus loves, then we know that's how Father God loves too.

So when you study scripture, look through the lens of love and see how unconditionally it really is.

2. Receive God's love with no strings attached.

Love isn't love if you have to do something to earn it.

God is love, and He loves us unconditionally. The religious people of Jesus day would like to make you think God loves with strings attached. But again, we see Jesus loving no matter what someone has done or hasn't done.

Remember, information doesn't change us. Transformation comes when we apply and receive this love. 

Receive Father's, unconditional love. 

When we do, the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) will come as a by-product of us abiding in God and His love for us.

3. Give His love with no strings attached.

Now that you know and have received Father God's love for you, you can love yourself and others unconditionally with no strings attached.

1 John 3:18 NKJV

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue but in deed and in truth.

God's love is a tangible love. We don't just say it; we show it.

Ask yourself if your words line up with your actions. If not, you're not loving unconditionally. Go back to steps one and two to see and receive God's love. Then you can give it without strings attached.

When you look through the lens of love and receive it, then you can give it away with no strings attached. The Holy Spirit empowers you to change and become your best self when you can do that. Again, fruit is a by-product.

If you need a guide to help you become your best self in 2023, click here and fill out the form for a complimentary discovery session with me. 

Let's see if we're a great fit to work together so you can discover your path to transformation so you can, stop hiding, show up fully yourself and fulfill your God-given purpose.

You got this, and Father's got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!