Podcast Episode 111 - Who’s packing your parachute?

Podcast Episode 111 - Who’s packing your parachute?

With the holiday’s coming, do you feel excited or nervous?

Can’t wait or wish it was already over?

How can you enjoy this time more?

We’re talking about thankfulness this week and all the ways it helps us, including enjoying life more.

Today is for you:

  • If you get caught up in the day, forget to be thankful for others.

  • If you’re tired of waking up unhappy.

  • If you’re ready to enjoy life more.

Gratitude helps us in every area of life.

A navy pilot, Charles Plumb, flew 76 missions in the Vietnam war before being shot out of the sky over enemy lines. After six years in a Vietnamese prison camp, he became a speaker sharing what he learned from surviving.

One day he ran into another sailor that had also been deployed on the same aircraft carrier. This sailor had packed his parachute. But Charles didn’t know this man. He was a pilot, and this man was a lowly sailor, invisible to him. But Charles wouldn’t have survived without this invisible man’s work.

Who’s packing your parachute?

We all rely on others to make it through the day. We all need others.

So many times, we don’t even realize what others do for us. We need to recognize who’s there for us.

Write down five names of invisible people who’ve been packing your parachute, helping you survive either mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically.

If you can, thank them in person or by text, card, phone or email.

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You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!