How To Live A Life Of Joy Using These Quick And Dirty Tips - Tip 2

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So last week we talked about Quick & Dirty Tips To A Clean Thought Life. 

We discovered if we can think right, we can live a victorious, joy-filled life. Or, we could say it this way– 

When you select your thoughts, you shape your future.

Philippians 4:8 NIV
Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

Scripture reminds us what we need to think on.

Remember, what we think on is what we’ll do and what we do shapes our lives.

Continually thinking on these 4:8 thoughts can be challenging. The great new is we have complete control over our thinking. We get to choose what stays and what goes.

I don’t want to leave you alone in this challenge, so to help you determine to think right on a regular basis, I’m sharing some Quick & Dirty Tips to a Clean Thought Life.

As a refresher, Quick & Dirty Tip 1 was to Filter Your Thoughts. If you missed it, you can click here to check out Tip 1.

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Quick & Dirty Tip 2: Flip Your Thoughts

    Ever notice your mind can take one thought and spin it into 10 worse case scenarios in about 1/10 of a second? Or am I the only one with this issue?

When your thoughts start going negative, flip your thoughts around with the 5-second rule.

No, I’m not talking about how long food can fall on the floor and still be good. (Now that I have three kids, it’s more like the two-day rule. 😉)

This is a tool I learned from the book The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

The 5-Second Rule triggers change in 5-Seconds. 

All you need to do is count down - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Go.

Here’s an easy example to explain how this works:

Say you are have trouble getting up in the morning. Maybe the snooze button is your BFF. 

You can get yourself out of bed when that alarm goes off by counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Get Up. Then get out of bed immediately.

You know you could use this rule to help you with Tip 1 – Soak up the positive by getting up in time for your most important appointment of the day–Jesus.


Currently, I’ve been using this rule since I read the 5-Second Rule to get myself out of bed early each morning–tired or not. It’s been crucial in helping me stick with my morning routine. (In case you thinking, "there's no way I can do that!" You don’t have to get up that early, that’s just what I'm doing so I can get certain life goals done before my three kids start needing me. You pick the time that works for you and your goals and stick to it.)

So, you might be thinking, “how can the 5-Second Rule help me clean up my thoughts?”

Here’s a personal example how the 5-Second Rule helped me clean up my thought life.

I was heading to Walmart one day and called my husband to see if he needed me to pick up anything that wasn’t on the list. When he answered, he was a bit short with me and seemed irritated. I got off the phone quick and was super annoyed thinking he was upset at me because I wasn’t home yet. I was about to launch into an angry rampage about working all day, what about my hard day, blah, blah, blah. 

I stopped myself and counted 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Thank you Lord for my amazing husband, who is home watching the kids and making dinner. Thank you that he’s been doing laundry all day. Thank you…I listed at least 5 things I was thankful for about my husband, Bob. 

My mood immediately changed. I went from agitated at him and about to go on a negative frenzy to happy and thankful for my awesome, helpful husband. And, it only took 5 seconds to make a change.

After I got home, I shared that story with Bob. Come to find out it wasn’t even me that he was irritated at. He was in the middle of dinner, trying to corral three hungry kids all clamoring at him.

It blessed him that I chose to think the best of him rather than continue to be irritated and think negatively toward him. 

This opportunity turned from negative to positive in a moment and even strengthened our relationship at the same time.

The 5-Second Rule worked immediately because it’s impossible to think a positive thought and a negative thought at the same time.

It helps you quickly clean up your thoughts by flip your thoughts from negative to positive ones. And, if you catch it early and it’s a lot easier to change.

You can use this with all types of relationships, including family, co-workers and friends. Flip what you’re thinking about them or what you think they think about you using the 5-Second Rule.

Remember, as you choose to think Philippians 4:8 thoughts, you’re shaping your future! And, it’s becoming and even better one!!

Next time, we’ll explore our final Quick & Dirty Tip To A Clean Thought Life. 

Challenge Of The Week

Pre-select one way you can incorporate the 5-Second Rule in your life this week (i.e. Getting up the in the morning, stopping negative talk about your job (husband, kids, house, etc) and replacing it with something your thankful for, etc.)

If you want to delve into more about the 5-Second Rule, click here to get Mel Robbins book. (FYI - this is an affiliate link)



Share with us how you want to use the 5-Second rule to change your thoughts this week.