Podcast Episode 091 - Six Questions to Discover Your Zone of Genius

Do you ever feel like your work is sucking the life out of you?

Are you great at what you do but don't feel fulfilled?

Have you ever wondered, "what am I really good at?" 

  • Today is for you; if you've ever thought, I'm not sure I have gifts that bring real value to others.

  • I'm also talking to you today if you want to discover the key to going to the next level in your contribution or your purpose.

  • Or maybe you are great at what you do, but you don't feel satisfied and wonder if there's more to life…this episode is for you too.

That was me. I was stuck doing admin stuff most of my life. As I discovered who I am, I realized I hate admin stuff–it drains me. When I discovered my Zone of Genius, it changed everything for me.

Our Creator uniquely designed you with a Zone of Genius. 

What is the Zone of Genius, you ask?

Our Zone of Genius goes much deeper than what we do…

Being a Speaker, accountant, teacher, businesswoman, entrepreneur or mother is something we DO.

Our Zone of Genius is what makes us unique in HOW we accomplish those tasks.

4 Zones work and live out of:

Zone of Incompetence: You're NOT good at this.

Zone of Competence: You're okay at it, but many others can do it better than you.

Zone of Excellence: You're really good at this. It's easy to stay here because you can get lots of accolades. It's not that area that brings you the most satisfaction and fulfillment, though.

Zone of Genius: This is the area you get the most satisfaction, and it's your greatest calling. You can do it for long periods, and it doesn't feel like work. 

Our Zone of Genius is where we want to live as much as possible in our lives.

How do you discover Zone of Genius?

It's like those Russian nesting dolls. Each layer of yourself that you crack open will give you more clarity to your Zone of Genius.

Answer these Q's to Discover patterns to uncover your Zone of Genius. 

1. When you were five years old, what was your favorite activity to do? Why?


2. What was your favorite thing to do when you were 12 years old? What was it about it that you loved?


3. What is your favorite thing(s) to do now? And you can do it for long periods without getting bored.

4. What work do you do that doesn't feel like work

Or, what have you done in your past work experience that didn't feel like work? You feel a spark or energy.


5. What produces the highest abundance, satisfaction and fulfillment ratio for YOU in your life?

Now, look at the answers to all your questions. Look for the patterns

6. What is your unique ability (Your Zone of Genius)?


God gave us this gift to serve our lives and others. Use your Zone of Genius to serve you and others–even this week. Schedule in time to live/work in your Zone of Genius.

You may have to work in a Zone of competence or excellence at work, but the goal is to create more times you get to work out of your Zone of Genius.

The more you work in your Zone of Genius, the more fulfilled you'll feel in stepping into your God-given purpose.

If you'd like that worksheet with these six questions so you can discover your Zone of Genius, head over to https://www.heatherlbunch.com/genius and sign up.

Now, I know once we start living more in our Zone of Genius and reaching for our dreams, we hit fears and roadblocks.

Next podcast episode, I'll pack the biggest limits that hold us back from living a life of abundance and satisfaction in our ZOG.

You got this!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!