The Christian Woman’s Foolproof Way To Bear Fruit


Have you ever said, “’It’s such a struggle to be a Christian? I never seem to fix my issues.’? ‘I’m suppose bear fruit, but it feels like I go one step forward and two steps backward.’”

I’ve experienced that feeling most of my adult life. 


However, our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us feeling that way. He’s actually provided a simple, foolproof way for us to bear fruit.

How you say?

John 15:5 (NIV)

I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Let’s start with the first sentence, “I am the vine, you are the branches.”

How do branches get nourishment to grow and produce fruit? Nourishment comes from the ground, through the roots, up the stock or vine and into the branches, right?

First we see, as branches, our nourishment comes directly from the vine. 

What happens if the branch detaches from the vine? It withers from lack of nourishment right?

It’s the same for us. If we’re not connected directly the the vine (Jesus) getting fed from Him, we’re like the branch that withers and dies (see John 15:6).

It’s vital we’re connected to the Vine (Jesus) to get continually fed.

Next we see, “If a man (or woman 😀) remains in me and I in him, he will bear fruit;”

Remain (or abide in some translations): not to depart - to be continually present, to be held, kept, continually. 

One definition particularly jumped out to me–To be held. I like to think of myself being held by my Heavenly Father. 

I remember running up to my dad and jumping in his arms. He’d swing me around and then hold me tight.


For some of you, you can’t imagine that because that’s not the relationship you had with your dad.

I want you to know that no matter what your earthly dad did, or didn’t do to you, your Heavenly Dad is always there for you. Ready to hold you in His arms of Love and Grace.

Deuteronomy 31:6b (NLT)

He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Let’s go back to remain.

We’re to be remain or be held by Him to be continually present with Him; then we will bear fruit.

When I looked at the definition for remain, I also discovered that this word is in the present, active tense. 

What does that mean for us? 

Being in the present tense means that when we remain with Him, it’s continually remaining. Not just showing up once and a while so we can check it off our ever increasing “to do list”. 

When something is in the active tense, it’s means that the subject performs the action

“If a man remains in me and I in him…” Wait, there are two subject here–Jesus and us.

Do you realize that as we continually remain with Jesus–He continually remains with us! 

And, I’m so thankful that Jesus never has squirrel moments like I do. 😉

Now, let’s get to the part where we bear fruit. 

“If a man (you and me) remains in Me and I in him, he will bear fruit;”

Bear means to produce. We’ll produce fruit just like the grape vine produces grapes or and apple tree produces apples.

The way bear is used here in this verse, it is stated as a fact, as something that will happen, an inevitable action.

When we remain in Him–we WILL produce fruit. Period.

Please notice though, the goal here isn’t the “bearing fruit.” It’s remaining with Jesus. But, because bearing fruit is a by-product of remaining, we will bear fruit.

It’s time to stop striving.

It’s time to stop all the doing, doing, doing.

It’s time to let go of worrying we’re not producing enough fruit for Jesus.

Take a moment right now and be held by your Heavenly Father. Spend time with Him And, not just in those moments of study time, but through out the day. 

When you feel like your not “producing” enough. Stop–breath–be held by your Heavenly Daddy. REMAIN with Him and you WILL produce fruit.


Resources For Further Study:

John 15:1-17

Grace Revolution by Joseph Prince

(this book really helped me learn to rest in my Heavenly Father's arms instead of being overwhelmed with all the things I needed to do for Him)

Grace Revolution Companion Study Guide

(I enjoyed having this study guide while going through the above book. It asked me questions and helped me think through things I may not have on my own.)


What's your favorite way to Remain with your Heavenly Father?


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